About the Department

About the Department

Welcome to the Electrical Engineering (EE) department at the German Jordanian University (GJU). It is our pleasure that you are interested in joining our department. Our study program is designed to prepare the students for entering the professional/industrial world of EE as well as well as pursuing graduate studies by providing our students with broad foundation in electrical engineering.

The department was established in 2009 under the name “Communications Engineering”. In 2016, the department started offering a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Communication Engineering. In order to comply with the rules of the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions as well as to provide our graduates with better job opportunities, the department name has been changed officially to the Electrical Engineering department and it started granting a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the first 2020/2021 academic semester.

The department built strong partnership networks with the industry in Jordan, Germany, and elsewhere. This is to expand on the long experience of the German model of applied science and contribute to building a premier quality industry-oriented ICT education in Jordan. In that regard, the department exposes our students to a variety of experiences in the industry such as training at least 20 weeks in the German industry during the obligatory German Year, offering courses in the study plan that qualify students for industrial certification, as well as conducting local field training and graduation projects in collaboration with the industry. All of these experiences combined can result in a graduate student with an effective work experience equivalent to 1 year.

Our vision is to be a recognized department of electrical engineering in producing highly qualified engineers who are capable of finding effective solutions to emerging problems related to society, environment and industry by employing trending and innovative technologies.

Our mission is to arm students with the required knowledge and experience in the field of electrical engineering that enable them to fulfill society and market needs.

It is not surprising to say that Electrical Engineering (EE) has shaped the modern world. You will be completely amazed if you think that EE is limited to electricity generation and distribution. In fact, electrical engineers work at the forefront of practical technology that highly influences and integrates to modern life from electrical power generation to Internet of Things (IoT) and 6G communications. One immense advantage of the Electrical Engineering degree is that it covers and/or overlaps with a wide spectrum of specializations that includes but not limited to:

•             Wireless Communications                                               •   Systems Engineering

•             Internet of Things (IoT)                                                 •   Renewable Energy

•             Communication Networks and Security                            •    Control and Automation Systems

•             Signal Processing                                                          •    Semiconductors

•             Fiber Optics                                                                  •    Electromagnetics

•             Information Theory                                                        •    Antennas and Microwave

•             Electronics Engineering                                                   •    Electrical materials science

This vast number of specializations provides EE degree holders with a wide range of job opportunities. Based on the student interest, passion and the job-market needs, an EE student can easily shape and tailor their skills and experiences by taking various elective courses that are related to the required specialization. Our study program is designed to prepare the students for entering the professional/industrial world of EE as well as pursuing graduate studies by providing our students with a broad foundation in electrical engineering.

While the majority of public and private universities in Jordan offers a B.Sc. degree in EE, the EE program at GJU is unique. Below are few reasons:

  • Friendly Learning Environment: GJU classes are distinguished with limited number of students (typically 15-30 students in the class) along with easily accessible and supportive faculty and staff members.
  • Excellent Faculty: Our faculty includes some of the distinguished professors and researchers that are specialized in various topics in the EE field. We are proud that two professors from our department have been selected among the world's top 2% scientists by Stanford University.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Students are privileged with the access to cutting edge laboratories along with industry standard platforms and current generation computer systems.
  • Industry-centered Courses: such courses are integrated in the study plan to qualify students for industrial certification from famous companies such as CISCO and Huawei.
  • Industry Experience: GJU students are privileged with the chance to work directly with industry before graduation through local training (in Jordan), international training (in Germany), and the opportunity to conduct their graduation projects in German companies and manufacturers.
  • German Year: GJU is the only university in Jordan where students have to spend one year (fourth or fifth year) in Germany to fulfill their undergraduate program requirements. In addition to the gained academic and technical skills through this year, spending one year in Germany improves the students’ personality, professional and communication skills, as well as opens new job opportunities for them in Germany.

To learn more about our undergraduate program click here

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