This course adopts a thematic approach to sports and health, exploring how people develop their lifestyles within academic contexts and across other professional, cultural, and social settings.

The course will cover primary theories and applications in sports and health behaviors.

Specific topics will include Students' engagement in interactive class discussions, presentations, critical reading, group work, brainstorming sessions, and online discussions in order to know How we can get people more active and making healthy choices. promoting health at an individual or population level.

Compulsory assignments: • Practical exercises (alternative movement activities) • Reflection report • exams and quizzes • Group Presentations • In-class and online participation are key components to your final grade. Learning methods and activities: 1.5 hours of lectures and 1.5 hours of group activities every week\ month.

Certain weeks are reserved for writing the assignment/paper. Guidelines for submitting assignments: All presentations are to be uploaded to E-learning (exceptions may be made by the instructor). The files must be readable so please review them before sending. Assignments should have a file name as follows: Presentation name, Your Group Members. All assignments must be submitted on the date that they are due. Late assignments: Assignments submitted after the deadline may be penalized with the loss of grades or not accepting the assignment.

Media recording for lesson capture The instructor may use media recordings to capture the delivery of a lecture.

Internet and electronic communication devices. The use of laptops and mobile devices is acceptable when used in a manner appropriate to the course and classroom activities. Students are to refrain from accessing websites that may be distracting for fellow learners (e.g. personal emails, Facebook, YouTube).

Students are responsible for being aware of the University’s Internet and email use policy.

Teaching language: Arabic

Find more about the course study plan in Arabic.