Heat Pump Course

“Coming soon in July”

The Heat Pump course, accredited by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK), is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, operation, and applications of heat pump systems in various industries. This course will cover topics such as thermodynamics, psychrometry, heating and cooling load calculations, open and closed-cycle sorption systems, and the design and implementation of heat pump systems.

The course will be delivered through theoretical and practical sessions, focusing on hands-on experience. Participants can work with various types of heat pumps, such as air-source, water-source, and geothermal systems. The practical sessions will include system installation, troubleshooting, maintenance, and performance evaluation. The course will be 70% practical and 30% theoretical, allowing participants to develop a deep understanding of the course materials through practical application.

Upon successfully completing the course and the AHK certification exam, trainees will receive a certificate, which the German government and many companies in the industry recognize. This certification will enhance trainees’ career prospects, as it demonstrates their competence and knowledge in the field of heat pump systems.

Overall, the course will provide job opportunities for the certificated trainees in Germany, a leading country in developing and implementing heat pump technologies. In addition, the Heat Pump course with AHK certification provides a unique opportunity for individuals interested in heat pump systems to gain practical experience and enhance their career prospects.



Dr. Mustafa Jaradat: Associate Professor /School of Natural Resources Engineering and Management at the German Jordanian University.

  • Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.), University of Kassel 2016
  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology 2004
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology 2002
  • Research Interests: Solar and Engineering Systems, Solar Cooling, Heat Pumps, HVAC systems, Open and closed cycles absorption and adsorption systems
  • Participated in building two liquid desiccant systems pilot plants in Germany for agricultural and HVAC applications during two large-scale projects (KLIMZUG Nordhessen and OpenSorp, each with a fund of 5M Euros).
  • Published more than ten research papers in liquid desiccant systems, improvement of components, the building of pilot plants, laboratory and field measurements, and modeling for several applications.
  • List of research papers on Google Scholar. To view the CV, click here.

Dr. Aiman Albatayneh:  Associate Professor /School of Natural Resources Engineering and Management at the German Jordanian University.

  • Bachelor's in Renewable Energy Engineering from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia.
  • Ph.D. in Energy Efficiency and Low Energy Buildings (Minimizing cooling and heating energy consumption) at the University of Newcastle in Australia.
  • Research Interests: Design areas of low energy solutions, renewable energy systems, and energy efficiency. Utilizes modeling and an experimental approach.
  •  - Published over 80 papers, many collaborating with researchers from Europe and Australia.
  • - List of research papers on Google Scholar and ResearchGate. To view the CV, click here.


Eng. Omar Al-Soatari: Research and Teaching Assistant / Faculty of Natural Resources Engineering and Management at the German Jordanian University.

  • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Hashemite University (HU).
  • Master's degree in Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy from the German Jordanian University (GJU).
  • Teaching experience in mechanical engineering, renewable energy, environment, energy efficiency, and sustainability solutions.
  • Holds German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK) accreditation in energy efficiency.
  • Holds several certificates in practical and software training courses in energy and mechanics, such as PV syst, T*sol, Sketchup, AC and Refrigeration, MATLAB, and Homer Pro.
  • Research Interests: Energy and its efficiency.
  • - Published two research papers in the field of energy.
  • - Offers training courses in energy engineering (design and implementation of photovoltaic systems and solar heaters).


Eng. Mohammad Ayyash: Research and Teaching Assistant / School of Applied Technical Sciences. Assistant Director of the International Projects Office at the German Jordanian University.

  • Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering from Al Balqa Applied University.
  • Teaching experience in laboratories of engineering drawing, hydraulics, sensors, actuators, design of mechatronics systems, microcontrollers, Internet of things, control laboratory, etc., and supervision of student graduation projects.
  • Holds several certificates in specialized engineering, quality, procurement, and skills development training courses.
  • Coordinator and auditor for many international projects at the university.


Eng. Ahmad Kattan: Research and Teaching Assistant/School of Applied Technical Science at the German Jordanian University.

  • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Jordan.
  • Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Jordan.
  • Practical experience in engineering consultancy and building services.
  • Experience in teaching different theoretical and practical courses for engineering students and teaching Applied Thermal Systems Lab and Thermo-Fluid Lab.
  • Research Interests: Conducting some studies in solar energy to generate electricity (Photovoltaic Systems), thermal energy generation (Thermal Solar Heating), and studies on wind energy generation (Wind Energy Generation).
  • Holds certificates in training courses specialized in various engineering fields, such as digital manufacturing and the design of thermal systems in buildings.

Eng. Wael Al-Eker: Senior Mechanical Engineer /Engineering Department at the German Jordanian University.

  • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Jordan University of Science and Technology.
  • Practical experience in the field of bus industry at Alba House Company, then moved to work in several sites and industrial companies as an expert and as head of a department.
  • Appointed as manager of quality departments and production lines in the field of aluminum extrusion industry in PADICO located in the West Bank in Palestine, the Modal company transportation group Jordan Aluminum Industry, and Electronic Industries Korean Samsung Company (SKD)
  • Experience in project management, establishing and supervising the installation of equipment and production lines.
  • Since 2009, he has been responsible for the supervision, design, implementation, and supply of mechanical services for most laboratories and buildings at GJU, including engineering workshops, energy laboratories, and medical laboratories, in addition to supervising, implementing, and operating central air conditioning systems, solar thermal systems, liquefied gas, and other mechanical services.


  • Expert trainers from Germany will deliver lectures as part of this course.



Target Audience:

This course is designed for Mechanical and Energy Engineering Technicians and Students. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the key concepts, enabling them to work with heat pumps confidently.



• Background in Refractories and Fluids.

• Proficiency in the German language or proof of study.


Expected Outcomes:

According to the Jordanian professional competence standards for the profession of installing, maintaining, and operating heat pumps, the course participants will be able to:

  1. Provide a comprehensive understanding of heat pump technologies and their role in energy saving and energy efficiency enhancement.
  2. Provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills, and practical training to design, install, test, and operate heat pump systems.
  3. Introduce participants to the operation principles of hybrid heat pumps that use solar heaters and geothermal heat.
  4. Enhance understanding of heat pump systems types, including their classification, components, operation, maintenance, and fault diagnosis.
  5. Develop the necessary skills for designing, installing, and maintaining heat pump systems through practical and field training. 
  6. Improve understanding of solar and floor heating systems and their use in saving energy and improving energy efficiency.
  7. Provide an in-depth understanding of the calculations required in determining heating and cooling loads and the thermal requirements for heat pump systems.
  8. Enhance understanding of control systems and control of thermal systems.
  9. Provide knowledge of the design, analysis, and control of heat pump systems using computer programs.
  10. Encourage students to analyze and design different heat pump systems, applying the critical theories to meet the labor market demands.


Evaluation Criteria

A certificate of success is awarded based on:

First: Attend at least 80% of the total course hours.

Second: Success in the final evaluation.



This course is two months long and requires six hours of commitment daily. The timing will be announced soon.



German Jordanian University - Madaba West Street - Al-Mashqar - Amman.



The cost of the course is 1200 JD - fully covered by a grant from the GIZ.


For inquiries:

Email: courses@gea-jordan.academy

Phone Number: +962 6 580 8787